Do You Have To Wash Your Hair After Swimming?

After swimming in the pool or ocean, many people head straight to the shower. But is it necessary to always wash your hair after swimming?...

What Hair Products Do Swimmers Use?

Before you head to the pool for a swim, you probably pack all of the essentials: a swimsuit, sunscreen, goggles, swim cap, and a towel....

Which Shampoo Is Best After Swimming?

Whether for exercise or just for fun, swimming is a beloved activity among people of all ages. But, after spending time in the pool, you...

What Type of Shampoo Should Swimmers Use?

Since they spend hours plunged in chlorinated water, swimmers must go the extra mile to maintain soft, healthy hair. After all, chlorine is a chemical...

Triathlet? Ironman? Schwimmen ist wichtiger als Sie denken

Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Triathleten und Ironman-Athleten glaubt, dass ihre Schwimmleistung die am wenigsten wichtige der drei Sportarten ist. Ich behaupte, dass besonders für Athleten,...