What Causes Skin Irritation? And How Can It Be Prevented?

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise and an enjoyable pastime for many people, but it can be harmful to your skin and eyes. Chlorine...

The Surprising Benefits of Sea Swimming and How it Can Improve Your Skin

Swimming in the ocean has been a popular summer activity for many years. The saltwater is refreshing and calming, but it also offers many benefits...

The Best Skin And Hair Care Products For Swimmers

If you are a swimmer, you need to care for your skin and hair. Chlorine in pools can be harsh on the skin and hair,...

7 Bad Effects Chlorine Can Have On Your Skin And Hair

Swimming is a great activity to achieve good health and prevent certain circulatory, pulmonary, and locomotive systems issues. However, not everything is great, and there...

Is saltwater good for your skin? Everything you need to know

Swimming is one of the best workouts for your body and mind, but if you swim in the pool regularly , participate in triathlons, or...